OK Larry, everyone gets it. You are so stuck on looking for small things to denigrate Trump that you couldn't see or hear what he said about illegal immigration, jobs, the economy, the proliferation of the Welfare State, national security, foreign policy disasters, energy policy, shabby treatment of military veterans, weakening of our military, disastrous trade deals, etc.

No, Trump has not gone into fine detail about his ideas and proposals, nor has anyone else detailed how they would proceed with their promises and how they would get them implemented. Trump has not shown us how he built a multi-billion dollar real estate empire detailing each nail, brick, or girder either. But we know he got it done.

As for your ridiculous obsession with Trump's tax returns... frankly, if I was advising Trump, I would simply tell him to say that I will release my tax returns when Barack Obama releases his education transcripts and Hillary coughs up her thousands of deleted e-mails and her transcripts from her Goldman Sachs speeches, for which she was paid $675,000. Trump has been audited by the IRS numerous times. If he had broken any laws, the IRS would have come down on him like a ton of bricks. They haven't.

The voters obviously thought Trump was a better choice than Bush in many of these areas, especially trade and illegal immigration. They didn't choose Trump over Bush simply because they preferred Trump's personality. They didn't want another Bush, especially one like 43 who moved too far left on spending and did not deal with some of the real serious problems we face... even if he was far superior to Al Gore or John Kerry.

But that's all water over the dam. What I'm wondering now is this... If Jeb, or Cruz, or Rubio, or Kasich, or any of Trump's 16 contenders had become the presumptive nominee... what kinds of reasons would you and others be dredging up to excuse not supporting them instead of the extreme anti-gun Liberal Left Socialist Hillary Clinton???

I absolutely did not like Mitt Romney's past history on guns, but nothing could have stopped me from going to the polls to cast one vote for him and against Obama.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.