Originally Posted By: Gunflint Charlie
Originally Posted By: canvasback
A very good case could be made that Obama is temperamentally unable to execute properly the office of President. Over 7 1/2 years he has shown a level of laziness in office rarely seen before as well as a complete inability for forge a working relationship with anyone but those in lockstep with his agenda.

Bill Clinton, it could be argued, had a fatal flaw in his focus on dalliances with whatever woman crossed his path, as well as a remarkable fluidity with truth, even for a politician. His ill-advised policies regarding banking and mortgages led directly to the world wide financial melt down of 2007/2008.

All Presidents are unknown quantities until they step into the Oval Office. There is no previous job experience that tells us for sure how they will behave, how well they do. It is hard to imagine electing a President with a thinner job resume, and less public knowledge about who he was and how he would behave than Obama. Yet America did it. And I'm hard pressed to imagine how Trump could be worse.

So it comes to this? Trump is good enough because he's no less qualified than Obama?? Could the bar be any lower? I can no more vote for Trump than I could have voted Obama.

As for the temperaments of other presidents, Trump's issues are in a whole other category. IMO, a man of such deep narcissism and hair-trigger judgment, whose incapacitated brain helplessly obsesses over trivial personal offense, is a dangerous risk as Commander-in-Chief in ways that make other presidents' temperament issues seem inconsequential.


Sounds like you've really done your research on Trump, Jay. I mean dang, all the crap that the Dems, news media, and haters put out there is bound to be true. A man worth several billion dollars can't really be authentic enough to have beaten 16 other competitors in all those debates. And his heathen children? What a shame they're so worthless and sorry.

And there's those idiots like Dr. Ben Carson and Rudy Giuliani who have endorsed him. They certainly can't have any judgment or credibility either.

Then there's this crazy energized electorate on the Republican side turning out in record numbers nationwide to vote for Trump and support his campaign. What fools! Everybody must be crazy but you, huh Jay?

Last edited by John Roberts; 05/19/16 06:25 PM.

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