Well, Trump did make nice with Megyn on TV last night.

Anyone actually look at Trump's record on guns? Look at the people to whom he's given money? He's probably given more $ to the Clintons and Rahm Emmanuel than everyone here, combined, has given to the NRA. Where do the Clintons and Rahm Emmanuel stand on guns? What are the laws on guns in Chicago, where Emmanuel is the mayor? (And how are those tough gun laws working out? Murder capital of the country.)

There were some pretty solid pro-gun candidates for the Republican nomination. Scott Walker, for example, made concealed carry a real possibility for hundreds of thousands of Wisconsin residents. (I was one of them.) Donald Trump only decided that he needed to be pro-gun because he knew any other position would mean he wouldn't have the proverbial snowball's chance in hell of getting the nomination.

People excuse Trump for the money he's given to liberals and anti-gun politicians by saying "Well, that's part of doing business." Really? So it's OK to compromise your principles--assuming you're pro-gun to start with--in order to make yourself more money? And yet those same people, who are willing to give Trump a pass for compromising the principles he now claims to hold, will come down like a ton of bricks on any politician who compromises his principles for political motives. "Hey, you see what Senator (fill in the blank) did? He's nothing but a RINO." But we seem to give Trump a pass because, after all, it's just business.

You want to know what Trump really stands for? Follow the money.

I wish we had a really GOOD choice between the only two people who have a real chance of being elected president. Vote for whomever you want, or none of the above. But don't stick your head in the sand where Trump is concerned. He has a real record, and it's not a pretty one when it comes to supporting anti-gun liberals. With money, not just words.