Originally Posted By: Run With The Fox
My comments on Tom's FUBAR with a known fact of World History are a reflection on the economics of the publishing world- too cheap to hire proofreaders who would have caught that error. When you pay the kind of money the DGJ charges per issue, you should get an error free issue for your money. It is not a slur against his fine credentials as a major "L.C. Smithian"-just an observation that the most expensive per issue shotgun related magazine works without proofreading. Tom knows LC Smiths as well as anyone and is a first-rate writer to boot.

Not that Daniel and Joanna Cote need defending at all, but I thought it should be noted that such publications as DGJ, and others, almost to the one, have a published disclaimer that they neither agree with nor endorse that which their published authors write. The job of the editor and proof-reader in such publications, in this case Daniel and Joanna, do their job extremely well - and that is to proof-read and edit as to grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc., and NOT the opinions or "facts" presented by the authors of their articles. Accuracy of content is left to stand (or fall) on its own and is NOT the responsibility of the publisher and proofreaders of the magazine.

RE: TR's comments and brought to us by Dr. Drew, I say, and I do... and I have erred, but not because I didn't try.

Last edited by DAM16SXS; 05/11/16 09:06 AM.