The Hopi have an interesting word Koyaanisqatsi. It means "life out of balance". The psychological concept is "Homeostasis".

One of the manifestations of a life "out of balance" is psychological scotoma, a "blind spot". The opposite is when someone sees everything being about one thing, ie. psychological perseveration (an uncontrolled repetition or continuation of a response e.g., behavior, word, thought, activity, strategy, or emotion, in the absence of an ongoing occasion or rationale for that behavior or emotion.) This perseveration may be manifest by the extreme need to "evangelize" the perceived unknowing or apparently mentally deficient regarding this one issue.

EVERY POST ISN'T ABOUT THE 2ND AMENDMENT. WE ALL HAVE COMPUTERS (or couldn't be here) and as competent and intelligent adults are perfectly capable of educating ourselves as to the threats thereto. I for one am sick of being lectured like I'm a schoolboy, and am sick and tired of the personal vendettas being played out over and over.

More from T.R. "Let us speak courteously, deal fairly, and keep ourselves armed and ready (intellectually and practically)."