I'm impressed- actually, old Tricky Dick Nixon was fond of quoting Teddy-and we all know that he lied to the American public when he reported on National Network News that our troops (I was one of them) were NOT in Laos or Cambodia. That crook probably thought the Ho Chi Min trail was like the 1-95 Beltway in Disneyland on the Potomac. My comments on Tom's FUBAR with a known fact of World History are a reflection on the economics of the publishing world- too cheap to hire proofreaders who would have caught that error. When you pay the kind of money the DGJ charges per issue, you should get an error free issue for your money. It is not a slur against his fine credentials as a major "L.C. Smithian"-just an observation that the most expensive per issue shotgun related magazine works without proofreading. Tom knows LC Smiths as well as anyone and is a first-rate writer to boot. Most surviving snipers, and I fall into that category (long ago it seems) pay scrupulous attention to ALL details- part of survival in a ever growing more hostile world, I guess.

As far as the Trumpster and Teddy- no comparison. Both from wealthy NYC families, but Teddy had battle field leadership- all Trump knows is how to say "You're Fired"-- But as he is a better choice for gun owners than Die Uber *&^%^ Billary, he will get my vote, unless Charlton Heston comes back to life under a much needed miracle--

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..