Craig, there are numerous reports of lead fragments in sick and dead eagles. WAY more than just one study. And obviously, if I see eagles feeding on a road-killed deer, it's not likely they're going to ingest lead from a bullet . . . unless the deer was wounded by a hunter, wandered out to the road and died there, or got whacked by a car there. Simply establishing that it's not at all unusual for eagles to scavenge deer.

Re nonhunters entering the wildlife field . . . Craig, the lead ban dates from a quarter century ago. First suggestions of a lead ban on waterfowl go back more like half a century ago. Back in those days, the wildlife management field was still HEAVILY dominated by hunters.

You don't need to ask DU about their position on the lead ban. I got it to pop up first google attempt. DW, I poked around, couldn't find anything better than their "ask a biologist"--and I figured you guys could ask, and that way you'd be getting it straight from them.

Those who hunt with lead bullets have a problem to deal with. How good is the evidence so far? Well, there IS evidence. Up to them to deal with it one way or the other. I don't write for deer hunting mags, don't hunt deer . . . so doesn't make much sense for me to take on that fight. Upland, that's my bag--and I have a whole folder worth of research I did before writing my articles. But it's been 6 years, so I'd dig a bunch more before writing an article today.

Lead in any meat is going to cause "food safety questions" . . . mostly by those who don't eat it. And by those in the health industry. The ND study on lead levels in humans came about as a result of a study in which 53 out or 95 packets of ground venison donated to food pantries contained lead fragments. As a result the ND Dept of Health temporarily halted distribution of venison to food pantries. Like I said, guys who hunt with lead bullets have an issue to deal with. Not throwing them under the bus; simply allowing those who've done more research in that area than I have and who know more about it to present their views in case someone proposes a lead bullet ban.

Last edited by L. Brown; 02/01/16 06:49 PM.