Upon checking the British patents, I see that G. T. Abbey patented his rising bite in England with patent 2218 of July 21, 1869. It appears the same and the U.S. patent of 87814. Maybe the Use Numbers on Abbey guns 46 and 47 are for the British Patent.

I also see that E.C. Green along with F. J. Abbey and J. H. Foster had a provisional patent 929, of April 8, 1871, for the horizontal sliding bolt that is like Edwardian's fine photo above and like the U.S. patent 114,481, also shown above. British patent 2522 of Sept. 23, 1871, by the same three applicants also gives additiional Provisional Protection to this idea. Interesting to all of us is the mix of Shoverling and Daly [Gales, too]and how they related to German and British efforts sold in the U.S. through S D and G.