Part of a sperm count until 1947. Stories of the war were limited in our house for some reason. Dad was a captain in the Army Air Corps and B-17 pilot. Flew G and H's. One plane was named "Sh-t House Mouse" as I remember. Flew out of England to bomb Germany. The 28th of this month I arrainged to have him fly in a B-17 thats coming to a local airshow. Now 87, Paralyzed on his right side by stroke, I bet he'll bound up the steps and take his place up front. IF his hands and feet were capable, I'm not too sure he couldn't still fly it. He's already decided to wear his captains hat and dig out photos to share. Maybe the stories will come out then. Not to be forgotten is my 95 yrs young mother-in-law sitting in the recliner aside of me. An Army nurse in the Pacific theater. A salute to all our soldiers past and present. God Bless. Randy