Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
You offer to trade him one of yer Mossberg pumps for it ?

No. The Darne is a wall hanger at this point, and the Mossbergs both still work. I haven't seen any 500s that didn't work. Unlike you, I don't have a collection of broken guns, like the Scott with the cracks behind the lockplates, the hacksawed Purdey, or, whatever. I'm not interested, per say, in wall hangers at my house.
Both Mossbergs will hunt more and further than you will this year. Both are on loan as I type, one in the hands of a strapping 16 year old on his first goose hunt in Canada, and the other will be used for a class of kids who are graduating from firearms safety this weekend, and have to do the round of trap and skeet part of their class. I've asked, repeatedly, if you would send any of the crap you own to actually help out kids at class, but, you never do. Just as well, part of the testing the military does to the Mossbergs is driving a truck over them, and seeing if they still fire.
Your guns all just look like a truck drove over them, and if it happened again, we all know they wouldn't work. I question whether they work at all, and if you just use the stupid black eagle for everything, and hang out here, trying to impress people with your vast knowledge of, screw grips and the like.
Hey, how 'bout you volunteer at a safety course for kids with one of your guns? After you pass the background check (no problems there, right?) you can bring one of your projects for the kids to use, and if it works, maybe they will invite you back to help out some more.
But, I doubt it, based on what we see right here, FraNK.
You have contributed nothing to this website, ever, zip, nada, and more than one person here has pointed that out to you over the years, yet, you persist with the stupidity.
How 'bout you just stay the hell out of the posts that have actual, useful information in them, instead of bringing them down to your level, moron?

FOAD, idiot,
