Originally Posted By: King Brown
You seem to be implying that conservatives don't slag Americans. The only time relations have been at a lower ebb with the US than now under a conservative government---Keystone, trade, GOP candidates wanting razor wire on our "longest undefended border"---was when Tory blue Diefenbaker was running the show more than 50 years ago. Dief and Kennedy couldn't stand each other. From all reports it's the same with Obama and Harper although Americans are coming around to gay marriage and abandoning capital punishment.

One other thought. Please find me a Canadian Conservative who publicly slags Americans on general principles. Of course there may be some specific issue where there is disagreement but show me an example comparable to the constant leftist anti American rhetoric best exemplified by the distaste for Presidents Reagan & Bush and American Exceptionalism.

Your left has recently brought public discourse to a remarkably low level by their over the top efforts at serious vilification of Harper, a talent honed in their criticisms of President Bush and the American response to the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

Here's my specific example of the left's behavior. The right, the CPC and Reform, are constantly taking the hit for bringing "American" style politics to Canada and making personal attacks the norm.

Yet we all know it was the Liberal Rat Pack of Copps, Boudria and Nunziata of the 1980's who started the trend to vilify their foes with personal attacks.

Note the essence of the points I just made.

The left complains about attack ads, calls them "American", blames the right, yet the left started the behavior.

edit to add: We all know that ANY media story purporting to investigate the rise of attack ads in Canadian politics will describe them as "American" and use as their examples Conservative Party ads.

It is so transparent as to be laughable. Except as discussed earlier, the vast majority, responsive to the media play on their emotions, come away from repeated exposure subconsciously and consciously believing that it is Conservative who use those bad American tactics.

Last edited by canvasback; 10/01/15 10:16 AM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia