Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: keith

You can't have it both ways... unless you are a lying Liberal who hopes and prays (wishes) that most people are too dumb to see through your dishonesty.

You still don't think chit fer brains Amarillo Mike is one of them do you ?

Or is it that you are too scared to call him out for fear of attack...like he's did to me ?

Now jOe, I am not attacking yOu, I am hOusebreaking yOu.

And yOu started all of this by making several pitiful attempts to insult me, which I ignored. But, because yOu are very stUpid, yOu kept on. And so I took on the chore of training yOu so yOu will be fit company.

I do sympathize with yOu, just a little. I imagine that it is unpleasant to be hOusebroken in yOur sixth decade. But that is not my fault since yOu should have been hOusebroken in yOur first decade.

And, in my experience, keith isn't afraid of debating anyone on the board.

What a whIny little [censored] yOu turned out to be. Because yOu are very stUpid I expected hOusebreaking yOu to be a challenge. But I never expected yOu be so fearful and intimidated by the prOcess. It turns out that yOu are what we call a "soft" dog. A sOft dOg can't take much pressure. If a trainer puts pressure on a sOft dOg the dOg rolls over on its back, pEEs itsElf, and whImpers. In the quote above look at how dEsperate yOu are as you try to shAme keith into protecting yOu, whimpering and whIning that I "attack" yOu.

yOu are a whIny, ignOrant, cOwardly, stUpid, skUlking, sUlking, ill-mAnnered, mEan spirited, bigOted, sOft dOg.

I am glad to be here.