Members will have noted the little fella's new reference to my alleged anti-gun position, a "taint," a trace, claiming I'm an anti-gunner but not forthcoming with the evidence he promised to produce, particularly a couple juicy ones he said he was holding back a week or so ago.

A distinguishing mark of obsessives is delusional preoccupation with persons or things i.e proclaiming on this thread that's he's protecting members from me---he's actually slain the dragon, "mission accomplished," he says--- not realizing 50,000-plus views of an obsessive's crusade are about him.

Obsessives are so fixed in their ideas that he couldn't imagine me in one of Canada's hundreds of cadet corps, attached to infantry and armoured regiments, spending Friday afternoons in full dress from berets to gaiters doing what soldiers do, or meeting leaders covering the world as a reporter for Canada.

I don't know what makes obsessives that way. I can't imagine members fretting what I think one way or another. I doubt envy or jealousy enters into it. Fifty-thousand-views of his crusade illustrates a surpassing curiosity in the irrationality of his social undertakings. A pity, but that's the way he is.