Yes Ed, we all know what I said. But since you are too stupid to comprehend, here it is again. I was just going to submit the one line where I called King a squealing little rat, but why not repeat my post in its' entirety so everyone can see how dishonest you trolls are:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Members will note my support for Soros would have been the same for any person. I asked Dave Weber "to take a look at" the Terrible Twins' hate speech, of Jim's posting an injunction to shoot on sight Soros, a distinguished American Jew, for saying "disgusting things." The twin supported Jim by first denying he said it, then produced the post confirming Jim said it, with the lame excuse it was only his opinion.

From day one, after King whined about what Jim said about the anti-gunner George Soros, I maintained that was his opinion... a First Amendment Right not subject to interrogation by Mounties or the Thought Police.

Jim did not exhort or otherwise encourage any reader of Misfires to seek out Soros for assassination. We are entitled to our opinion in this country, and Jim's opinion was quite harmless. That is more than can be said of the Black Lives Matters Race Hustlers and George Soros funded protesters who have managed to incite several actual incidents where innocent police officers were executed. Killed. Murdered. Shot like dogs and left to die, now with orphaned children and grieving families. "Pigs in blankets".

King Brown has yet to say one critical word about that. And he still calls the extreme anti-gunner and Nazi collaborator Soros "a distinguished American Jew".

King Brown squealed like a little rat to Dave Weber about Jim... probably hoping to get his so-called "Terrible Twin" censured or banished. Dave W. did neither, and did not even delete Jim's words. So much for that grave matter. King even stooped so low as to selectively edit his quotation of Jim's original post on the matter... intentionally leaving out the IMO qualifier--- In My Opinion. Then King lied and claimed that post had been deleted. It is still there. I did not say it was Jim's opinion... Jim did that himself. I merely repeatedly reminded the mentally disturbed and obsessive squealing rat King Brown of that. King is grasping for any small straw he can. Pathetic.

Keep flailing King. I'm sure you are convincing a lot of people as you continue to denigrate the NRA, celebrate Liberal Democrat infringements upon the 2nd Amendment as proof that it is not worth the paper it is printed on, and continue to support and defend the most extreme anti-gunners on the planet.

You say I haven't supplied proof that you are anti-gun. I have... repeatedly, even though you are in denial. But it really isn't necessary when you supply so much proof yourself.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.