Originally Posted By: dal
Your in fantasy land a-hole...the fact that you think America will one day be what YOU want it to be.

Time to move to another country, since you obviousely hate the majority of the people in the good old U.S.A.

jog on loser!!


Gee whiz dal, for a Canadian you sure seem concerned about what goes on with anti-gunners here in the U.S. And you sure are messing up this nice thread that was put up by a guy who does not even own a double, and even rents some guns to portray himself as a gun guy. But did you read his sermon last week explaining why law abiding gun owners should give up semi-autos and large capacity magazines, and settle for revolvers because they are slower to reload? I wonder what you have against full disclosure? Jagermeister even implied that farmers are so poor that they can only afford common field grade guns. He must think he is still in Albania or some other Socialist backwater where the state confiscated land from the farmers and put it in a collective. You'd kind of like that, wouldn't you?

But the way you attack me, oh my!... you'd think I insulted you personally by asking if you ever found a gunfitter who works with Munchkins. I didn't. Or one would think I asked you how many inches you had to shorten the stock of your pink Cricket .22 LR so that it fit you. I didn't do that either. You need to chill out. Getting your head smacked into those pins during dwarf bowling is making you mean and nasty.

Oh, by the way, I see you still don't know the difference between "your" and "you're". And you misspelled "obviously". Toronto is a nice city, but their school system must be on a third world level if you are any indicator.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.