Originally Posted By: King Brown
I don't know what you mean by "your position." I'm as pro-gun as you are or pretty close....

....I have an idea I'm trying to sell for a better-informed general populace based on national pride. We'll see.

I thought I mentioned this a bit ago. Is it possible to SAY someone is progun, but 'know' they're voting and supporting pro gun control politicians. It doesn't matter what you think you are, the reality is you support an agenda, and part of the agenda is gun control.

Remember, you have the luxury of 'selling' your position with the appearance of civility. Why, because you have lock step support from folks who have no clue why there're along for the ride.

I say, instead of early grade school 'text books' about homosexual exploration, how about farmer Joe throws his gun in the pickup because it's a tool just like his tractor. Maybe ten years in a row of that from kindergarten through 4rth grade would have your great grand kids asking to go with you out in the woods. But, that would cripple the agenda for maybe triple that amount of time, eh?