I quite agree that a well made SLE which fits you is a magical thing that once properly experienced. I further agree with Buzz that that experience can be had with other than a big name London Best gun

In fact a good value in British guns can be found in guns by second tier makers like Watson Brothers on a 12 bore. Gun like these are individuals and the variables are immense. Looking at this particular listing and the pictures provided make me think the following:

1. The challenge of the internet is a lack of physical inspection. But inspection periods mitagate a little.

2. Just because the seller says 2 3/4 does not mean he is right that the chambers are either lengthened over a shorter original length. I have on more than one occasion seen guns that are both still short chambered and the seller was wrongly saying 2 3/4. I know this as i went to their shops measured the chambers and explained to the disbelieving clerk thhey were wrong. One at Cabelas in KC even tried to explain to me those 21/2 in guns were in Europe only. I guess Greeners magically transform crossing the Atlantic. Many gunbroker sellers do not know what they are talking about.

3. Beautiful and prefect bores are rare in old guns, not impossible, but unusual in guns with the external wear that particular gun has. This along with look of the finish on the receiver and locks makes me really want to know wall thickness. The fact it weighs out at 6lbs 9.5 oz does give a little comfort, but the rubber pad, most likely added later is part of that weight. The seller does provide a three day inspection period so at least you might be covered there.

4. I go back to my earler posted question, do those locks look scrub up with steel wool or something?

5. Even through the buy it now shows 13.5 that may not be the actual reserve. In all things guns, prices are often very elastic. Recently I purchased a 20ga SLE foe 12k when the early on price was 15.9 then later 13.5.

Lastly on value, one always ask to ask the question in terms of what is it worth to me? I hold that all guns are to some extent rented, not brought. Few of us make actual money in gun speculation. In speculation most gun profit if any is made on purchase price alone. If buying an investment, this Watson may not be worth the bother, if buying to shoot it maybe worth exploring further.

Last edited by old colonel; 08/23/15 06:12 PM. Reason: Grammar spelling

Michael Dittamo
Topeka, KS