DaveK, good to see you back. As you can see, the only thing that has changed here is that King Brown is more delusional than ever. Also, your buddy Jerry is back under the assumed identity of a girl named Gunluvr. I wonder if Jerry is from Nova Scotia too.

King Pinnochio is now claiming I lied about his illegal transport of a pistol when I merely used his own exact words to prove he was lying to us again. Good Lord, next he'll be claiming that it was me who made the wild-assed claim about his father converting to Catholicism without belief in the Resurrection. The old atheist is still dishonoring his father with that crazy lie. And he still hasn't given up the names of any of those Canadian Catholic clerics who also disbelieve... according to him. So I don't imagine for a second that he can provide a shred of evidence that disbelief in the Resurrection is also common in Canada's largest Protestant denomination.

Funny thing is, I can't think of a single person who identifies himself as a Christian who does not believe in it. It must be a uniquely Canadian thing. Or another King Brown lie.

His "distinguished journalism career"... what a crock! He was a quitter who imagines he was on equal footing with real heavyweights like Morely Safer and Peter Jennings. His vineyard and winemaking... well, it turns out the winemaking was done by someone else and he was the smallest independent supplier of grapes to Jost Winery until his falling out with new owner Carl Sparkes a few years ago. He won't tell us who he sold grapes to from his 1 acre vineyard since then, nor if Carl Sparkes knows that King is claiming he mistreated his employees.

The lunatic even thinks Jim was engaging in anti-Semitic hate speech when Jim gave his opinion about the Nazi collaborator George Soros, a scumbag anti-gunner who King defends.

King thinks that Misfires is keeping his synapses firing. What a JOKE!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.