Originally Posted By: King Brown
Mike, on that point I don't believe Joe is a liberal or pro-gun-control. My guess is he's a conservative. Most Americans, as citizens of most countries, vote for parties with positions closer to their interests than owning a gun.

Except for the Terrible Twins, most members recognize that voting for the Democrats doesn't make them morons and disloyal to their country. They may not agree with them but the US is not a totalitarian state.

Joe's opinion on background checks is valid, worthy of discussion. He understands the downsides of his opinions as expressed here but raised a cautionary note concerning public safety without them.

That's the heart of the issue: where to find the balance

Here's King Brown once again from his post #413666. King believes that incremental gun control strategies such as Universal Background Checks are worthy of discussion, but he dismisses any notion that we should stand firm and not give any ground to anti-gun forces. We all know that these registration schemes have led to outright bans and enabled confiscations in other countries. But King wants us to ignore history and have the onus of gun crime placed upon the backs of law abiding citizens while making excuses for those directly responsible.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.