Originally Posted By: sharps4590
How do the neck length dimensions compare? All the info you provided was great.

Neck length dims from three unmodified measurements are:


Between 24 and 96 hours later the cerrosafe documentation says the measurements should be +.0025 (the +96 hours number). Again, I'm not sure if I add or subtract that number from the raw measurements.

This matches almost exactly the measurement found from the original documentation.

Originally Posted By: ellenbr

Thread on 450/360 2 3/4"

M4 might have a Scherping DR in a similar chambering(450/360 Rigby(2 3/4"??))?

Kind Regards,


I have compared the numbers from SKB's post in the link you provided and from 400/360 2.75" WR from Cartridges of the World 4th Edition 1980 and they are not as close as the x74 numbers in my opinion. In both sets of 400/360 the numbers are lower that what I measured. Picture included for comparison.

Comparing to 9.3x75r Nimrod measurements found below, I'm not so sure that is it other than the overall length.


So I'm kind of at a loss. What's everyone's best guess? I'm still leaning towards x74. Does anyone have better 9.3x75r Nimrod measurements?

Thanks again to everyone!