Well...OK. But I am a firm believer in the adjustability of the human body, which is why I don't let a gun's dimensions bother me. I allow myself a box of shells to get used to the gun - any target I miss after that, it's my fault, not the gun's.

I am curious, though....you are stranded on a desert island, and a beat up lifeboat floats up with Jennifer Aniston, Faith Hill, and Shelby Lynne on board. Their clothes are ripped to shreds, they are cold, and are starved - starved for sex.

Do you tell Ms. Lynne and Hill to get back on the boat and start rowing because their swing radius and bob weight is a little off your optimum setting? Or do you say, "Hell ladies, perpare for blastoff! They don't call call me Rocketman fer nothin'!".