Originally Posted By: King Brown
Craig, you'd think from some of these posts the US is ready to roll over on its back with its feet in the air, surrendering its rights and tolerance because a radical rump proclaims daily no faith in the American people. It's not going to happen.

The proposal is via the regulatory route, not legislatively in which the American people put their faith in representatives. Some folks think regs are no problem, noting that 'they all do it'. I can't think of one time where a radical rump reg has been stopped or reversed due to the will of the people.

If the NRA or some forum folks cry foul, what's the solution. See, I told you, they won't just roll over. When(!) this progresses, how many forums, how to websites or info blogs decide to buck the odds when a few 'examples' are made of joe little guy vs big gov. Can you think of any regs under any category that have been reversed by this admin.