Hey Ryan:
With all "due" respect:
Why don't you take a hike. If you don't want to read what's on this thread just what the Hell are you doing here? At any given time there are multiple threads on this forum I don't care about but I do respect the interests of others and shut the Hell up about it.
I started this thread and I'LL decide when its run its course. If I want to tweak Libtards on their hypocracy up until election night next year it's my perogative to do so.
And another point; as we know that, with some certainty. "members" here voted for the Kenyan twice. If they're dumb enough to do that they'll probably vote for Clinton in 2016 IF she gets the nomination which is becoming less certain day by day.

Last edited by James M; 06/12/15 01:09 AM.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.