You are correct that the San Bushmen were natives of Africa, not Australia as I had erroneously recalled. But many peoples spent eons isolated from the rest of humanity and their average intelligence became genetically altered as a result. Those alterations tend to follow their offspring even when the isolated and environmental conditions are taken out of the equation. It appears that it was not just a brutally challenging environment that caused these changes to increase inherited intelligence, but more likely a changing and diverse environment. This could explain why Eskimos who live and die in one climate extreme have a lower average intelligence that that of Northern Asians who lived in extremes of heat and cold and needed to find and develop food sources in a number of widely differing conditions. It's probably more than mere coincidence that they also have the highest average I.Q.'s in the world despite also living in somewhat isolated conditions.

I quickly skimmed over your link and like what I see so far because it seems to support a lot of my contentions which are not so much personal opinion as they are opinion formed from observations and reading other sources. I'll read it in detail when I get home tonight.

But, Jim is quite correct that we have gotten off topic and allowed the Libtards to get away with dancing away from the original topic and original question.

I'm glad Jim plans to persist in asking the question. I think he knows deep down that he'll never get an honest answer from the Leftist Socialists who support Hillary but don't have the courage or convictions to admit it. I hope you keep hammering them with this Jim... Right up to November 2016 if necessary. The best way to prove what we've been saying here about Liberals and Liberalism is to let them prove it to us with their own words and actions.

In this case, their silence about Hillary's admiration for Margaret Sanger speaks volumes!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.