Originally Posted By: keith
but can you tell us what long soaks in organic solvents does to the lignin and cellulose structure in that expensive wood? What else besides old gun oil gets leached out of that expensive walnut?

you mean long like days or years? Those chems don't eat cellulose. After the oil has eaten the wood, how ya gonna tell? And as to what else is leached, judging from the ones I've done, nothing.

What do you do with your dirty acetone and other solvents when they are 10% oil and dirt by volume... just pour it down the drain?

Makes great weed killer and I feel good about poisoning the atmosphere and doing my part for the destruction of Mother Earth

You'd have been a great influence upon some of the great inventors and experimenters throughout history. We'd still be using horses, buggies, and oil lamps. I think huffing those Wonko Brew fumes in unventilated areas had a negative effect on you.

you're confusing practicality and efficacy with innovation. If you check around it seems that the brew was sorta innovative IIRC.

If you want to try the cement ploy you can have the credit for it no charge.

have another day


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