Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
....Not until we decide to impose tariffs will the factories and manufacturing jobs reappear here. Blaming our current loss of manufacturing on greedy unions or slothful young people or greedy capitalists is in error if you believe that market forces work....

I think you make good points also, but do you really think unions are a typical market force. Your last union story made it sound made it sound like you're in the market to give away a truckload of freebies.

I wonder how long that market would hold up, but apparently the left is pushing to foind out. Maybe, we really don't want to bring back the manufacturing of the cheapest widgets. If your guesstimates are right, who's going to pay for the 2 1\2 to 3 times price increases.

King, I wouldn't put a whole bunch of stock in what Meek's has to say, wasn't he an engraver.