Originally Posted By: Jagermeister
There should be no pensions at all and Social Security needs to be privatized too.

You are about 50 years too late. After LBJ signed the law allowing congress to loot social security funds for their pet projects, we got to where we are today, with pretty much a zero balance. The HUD gettos being torn down today in Chicago are where some of your retirement money went.
Hope that worked out for you.
We are an aging society, and in just a few years (2025, or so) there will be two people working for every seven people retired and living on social security. Since quite a few of those "two people" will be part time baristas, with no benefits, attempting to pay back over 100 large in student debt, they will be very humorless about any problems with social security.

The very good news is, due to it's "One child" policy, China has created a social monster that will be bearing bitter fruit about the same time, with that "One child" attempting to support two familys worth of aged and elderly parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and whoever ended up disabled in that family, as well. They will be too tied up socially, at home, to cause much trouble abroad.
