hey, Pete

not to be boring but do you still wear that orange t-shirt and do the imitation of the Great Pumpkin?

And on stoopid, and I mean REALLY stoopid terminology - who was the mental defective that decided to call the action flats, "water table"? Even tho my heritage is most decidedly English I make conscious efforts to avoid the connection. England is just too silly a place to really exist - like Bucky the Cat said.

I think maybe we should all just make up sh7t so we can all sound like we actually do know WTF we're talking about. 'Cept for me of course since I DO know what I'm talking about. I studied with Professor Irwin Corey, the world's foremost authority.


Last edited by Wonko the Sane; 05/15/07 02:41 PM.

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