Was traveling in Europe for work, but I am back.
A few comments, that could be improved with the pictures:
- Fon Btee is I believe for
Fabrication Brevetee.
I.e the manufacturing process is (was) patented.
- the barrels are from the 1900 time frame indeed.
Poudre M was used until 1905 or so.
The chamber marks are in cm (6,5) and not in mm (65). I am still struggling with the exact date of change but believe it to be in that same time frame.
- "Mandrinage" refers to a test done by inserting a cone in a hole and looking for permanent expansion without cracking.
You can google "mandrinage canon" for references on that subject. The technique was used for artillery tube testing and many other parts such as nuts and railcar hooks.
In this context, it would mean that the steel used would have been tested accordingly.
The other meanings of "mandrin" are "chuck" (machine tools) and tubes used to wrap paper or fabric on. A mandrin is also used for damascus barrel manufacturing IIRC.
As for the orange, Larry, it is "mandarine".

I like that gun a lot. The "culasse" release is much nicer than the normal one.
Too bad it's been damaged...
Best regards,

Last edited by WildCattle; 03/04/15 11:40 AM.