There are a few dealers who will not ship to C&R, for no real reason other than they don"t like to ship to anyone other than FFL for ease of "remaining" within the law or what they think of as the law. Also make sure your local LEO is not a jerk about the C&R.

I did have a on going problem with my local LEO who thought that because I had a C&R he should be able to check in on me anytime he wanted for no legit reason. Bit of a over bearing jerk about it. I kept records as required and complied with all rules and laws but he was a pain in the a--. He wanted to know everything I had and why I had to have so much ammo and so many guns.

About four months after I gave my C&R up he returned for his "inspection" and I "suggested" he might want to get a warrant because he had no "right" to hassle me under a no longer valid C&R. After threatening to arrest me, to which I laughed, he claimed he had lifetime rights to inspect my collection. When he realized I was not going to give in he did call for backup and seeing a second police car in my driveway my next door neighbor, the town mayor, came over to see the situation. At that point the mayor told the chief LEO that they, the town attorney had told him previously that he could not do what he wanted to do. they got into a bit of a shouting match about it and the LEO left in a huff. That has been several years and I have not had anymore dealing with the LEO but he was a jerk. So just make sure your LEO is reasonable instead of a egomaniac with delusions of being the second coming of J. Edgar Hoover, unless he looks good in a red dress. wink