Originally Posted By: gunman
There is a big difference between altering a lock and painting grain on wood , something that has been done for hundreds of years , artistic may be but its not "art" nor is it original as its been done by many others before hand and is/has been done on an industrial scale by modern day Italian makers .
I do not denigrate the skill of those who do such work as I resect all craftsmen's ability as I would expect others to respect mine .

Altering the mechanics of the gun is a different thing to which my original comments were addressed .

Sir, thank you for clarifying your original comments. I frankly found your Mona Lisa comment to be quite insulting and dismissive of my opinion, but after further reflection, I'm just going to chalk it up to misunderstanding. We're in the same boat, and as long as we extend the courtesy of respecting each other's opinions, there's no reason we shouldn't be able to get along famously, and keep rowing the boat in the same direction.

Have a nice day.

To Dave, Sam, George, Toby: thank you very much. Go Hawks!