I just rattled off a list of BO's deficiencies and stated he has more. Apparientltly I have not attacked him with sufficient ferocity for you. I'll try to be more denigrating to him in the future so as you do not misunderstand. I do not like BO in the least.

I feel that having eyes and ears in worlds hot spots is no reason to start a war. If that really was the justification for invading Iraq maybe it should have been presented to America and the world as such. Saddam Hussein presented zero threat to us here in the USA. That was the reason the American public was given for this war, not so we have intelligence gathering capabilities.

I guess maybe we both have very different views on world politics. The reasons you stated for war fall far short of what I would consider valid. How many others countries should we invade to gather intelligence Craig? I think we can do better as a country than that.

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