Originally Posted By: SKB
My current favorite? Your fairly proficient this morning at twisting things. I have stated several times on this forum that BO may be the worst president ever. That now makes him my favorite? Come on now Craig you have to be better than that....

Steven, you may mention that bo is the worst president ever, but you don't explain it or personally attack him like you do the previous. Yes, I spin things, not because that makes it right or better, but I find it interesting that it's a tactic that you're comfortable with, but uncomfortable on the receiving end.

I never said the previous president was without justified criticism for his policy, but you're the one that made fun of his name and gave him a legacy that you might be able to better than that. The previous president worked with a hostile congress, spent gobs but didn't have near the cajones of the current fellow, and stopped attacks on the homeland. Maybe if he shoots his mouth off constantly like the one right before him, I guess ok in your book, his stock might go up a bit.

To add another reason to my clear, in my mind, need for eyes and ears in hot spots. I'd also add, these bad guys do not, period, understand 'talk'. They live and die by the sword, and only respect the big dog in town. The use of military lethal force is absolutely necessary, how, when and where it's applied should be up for debate. I could only guess that you think it's possible to talk the iranians down from their nuclear weapon program and development of delivery systems.

The military costs money, no question. I don't think I put words in your mouth. I'm just pointing out, inconsistencies. If you think it lacks substance and fact, reread the quote picked and the part I snipped out for substance.

Decent 'conversation' Steven, but you have a foregone conclusion. Iraq invasion bad, then things go round in circles. You can do better than that. I never said iraq = good, did I, you put that thought in my mouth. I did say that I believe there're hugely important points to consider that have been squandered. I also never said the decision to go was not up for debate, but the duty of the troop taking orders on the ground, shouldn't be constantly intermixed as you prefer to repeat.

What makes you hold back from criticism of the current fellow owning some of his decisions and results. You do know that bo said we won, they can take care of themselves, we can leave. Without putting words in your mouth, your silence does have a clear message to me.