Originally Posted By: James M
George Soros claims to be a United States citizen and he may have been a naturalized one at some time. However he has lived in Europe for many years primarily Hungary from what I understand s his "American Citizenship is in name only.
For those of you who don't know much about him other that he conspired with the Nazis to round up his his own Jewish neighbors during WW II here's some background information on this scumbag.
Additionally an investigation by the Washington Times has uncovered the fact that he funded the left wing/communist Fergusion riots which makes it a fact that he's guilty of terrorism. Hence my statement that he should be humted down and shot like the terrorist dog he is.
I personally have been surprised that the Israelis didn't take him out a long time ago after what he did during WW II.
Although he has never ruled a country, He is right up there with Hitler,Stalin and Idi Amin as far as evil despots go down thru the years.

Human Events Powerful Conservative Voice......why does this not surprise me? crazy I suspect Hungarian people have far better appreciation of him than you do. You should try their salami it is very good.