Okay here's the situation.

All my guns are light weight game guns. For three years now my choice cartridge as the HULL imperial game either 26 or 28 gram 6's. I find it to be a very efficient cartridge on pheasant and partridge however its about 77/ 250

Looking for a cheap clay type cartridge suitable for pigeons in no more than 30 gram loading suited to 65mm chamberings - most clay carts seem to be 70mm

I'm also looking for a load that's 65mm cartridge, but with larger shot, longer range flighting crows, bolting rabbits and sensible ranged fox. Something in BB or similar.

I do reload with black powder but my equipment is basic to say the least. i hate using the black stuff when i don't have to just for ease of cleaning but even light 26 - 30 gram bb black powder loads i have found to be brutish effective right out to testing ranges.