Originally Posted By: King Brown
Nice one, Craig! Canada is doing well with a parliamentary system that allows winning parties and their leaders to do what they say they will do. None ever does, of course, but liberals and conservatives have made a great country although they never felt predestined to greatness living next to a superpower of surpassing generosity and intellectual vigour. Liberalism isn't shopworn anywhere.

It saddens when American members denigrate their country as ruled by rubes who don't think as they do, proclaiming their governance as mob rule sliding toward totalitarianism, presided over by a president not infrequently called a piece of shit. People who think that way don't remain for long as citizens of a great nation. They need reminding the United States isn't going to hell. Its electorate won't permit it.

Gary's observation of who is or isn't contributing is as errant as his knowledge of Canada. He couldn't know as a relative newcomer what others contributed many years before his arrival. He will learn that each member asks for information and responds according to ability more in earlier years, and waits in later years for acknowledged experts in particular fields for definitive contributions. Misfires, of course, rants and raves for pure entertainment.

Mil Gracias' for making my point for me about liberal's perceived intellectual and moral superiority....
A predictable response from one who is comfortable with a monarchy. GW