Originally Posted By: King Brown

It saddens when American members denigrate their country as ruled by rubes who don't think as they do, proclaiming their governance as mob rule sliding toward totalitarianism, presided over by a president not infrequently called a piece of shit. People who think that way don't remain for long as citizens of a great nation. They need reminding the United States isn't going to hell. Its electorate won't permit it.

Ah, Comrade King Brown, the "soulful sociopath" that makes sagely pronouncements on America while religiously demonizing those who don't hold his sociopathic, statist, religious beliefs. Then, he augustly pronounces that those who hold the same beliefs as America's founding fathers are destined not to "remain citizens of a great nation". Which great nation? Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union? You certainly can't be referring to America, the country that champions individual freedom, liberty, and equality.

Of course a vote-bought electorate is assisting the march towards totalitarianism. Once the Constitution is circumvented by sociopathic statists it becomes easy.

Really Comrade King, you're one step away from declaring those who believe in the Constitution to be mentally ill.

Has anyone noticed, as I have (I track things like this) that the vast majority of Comrade King's post always contain some form of statist religious, demonization? This is soviet psychopolitical doctrine, and is easily identified once you know what to look for.

I prefer wood to plastic, leather to nylon, waxed cotton to Gore-Tex, and split bamboo to graphite.