I merely meant at this special time of year to wish good fortune to those of this forum who love the double guns and other fine firearms that make up the history and heritage of many countries around the world. Hunting has been around since man found out meat tastes good, and he has constantly been refining the tools with which to acquire that meat. Unfortunately, this forum (along with just about any forum on the net today)has attracted some who use it to push their beliefs in a social system that has never worked in any country it has been instilled in, or carny hucksters who take advantage of a mere $10 fee in an attempt to sell third-rate junk that wouldn't get an inner city pawn shop loan. It wouldn't matter if you posted "Have a nice day"....some socialist troll would inject non-related comments that neither add nor enhance. One wonders about the mental stability of such people and whether they should be trusted with firearms or allowed in the presence of children. I find it telling that these trolls never post any answers or enlightening comments to questions posed about fine guns, pictures of their own vintage guns, or pictures showing those guns used in the field. Perhaps it is because they lack any knowledge or experience with good guns, don't own any, and the only hunting they do is with a computer keyboard.
It is especially hilarious that a citizen of another country constantly insists he knows more about what is best for this country than we who live here do....could it be that his beliefs in a shopworn political agenda have worn out all welcomes in his own country?
"May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall softly upon your fields,
and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand."