Originally Posted By: King Brown
I'm puzzled by your sensitivity about the founding fathers. I admire them for their work, yours and mine. It couldn't enter my mind to knock them. (Ours didn't own slaves anyway.)

Equally puzzling is your recognition of the need for a safety net as long as it doesn't involve vote-buying. It doesn't make sense. They go together. Buying votes is common as rain everywhere.

I like Comrade, thanks....

To use your thought, the founding fathers voted the will of the people. Could it be, on that subject, they have a bit more clout than the run of the mill coequal progressive.

Aren't safety nets, laws. When you had that huge crude derailment spill in your vineyard, did you pay off the officials or work with the green party on a clean up protocol. Awe heck, I'm just kidding, I know you're above the law.

Maybe if you had met the founding fathers, you might have liked them as you like stalin, but then again like really shouldn't matter should it.

Quick tip, substitute some cheap stuff after the first round or two. Most folks wouldn't know the difference.