The Book of keith aka keiths Book of Sleaze-ball Doublegun Forum Tactics.
Chapter Onerespond to posts of people you disagree by using liar, lies, liberally (poor choice of word for you?) spread throughout the post. Hypocrite is useful term, so is pathological liar, anti-gunner or trolls. If you use these terms a lot, no one will remember anything said, just the word liar or other term or phrase and hope that the word or phrase becomes associated with the person attacked. Its like throwing crap on a wall. Some will stick regardless if true or not. Big Lie technique perfected during the Third Reich. Since no one can hear yelling on the internet, rely on constant drumbeat of repetition as substitute for yelling. Stalk target throughout the board. Pestilence is the eternal price of vigilance. Or is it the other way around?
Chapter Twodemand proof of negatives and question every assertion. Call this sought after proof as facts, even if obvious. When ignored, call this an admission that other person was lying and couldnt back it up. Ask for photographic proof on events 50 years old.
Chapter 3mix in with liar and lies the phrase resume inflating
Chapter 4no insult is too vile. Before moving to the zingers, condition readers with low-grade insults such as dumbass, assh*le (use asterisk so that no one can say you meant to use a distasteful term), stupid. This technique worked in the third grade and was never outgrown. Why give it up now? Always, always act like you are the smartest person in the room. Calling someone a dumbass or stupid automatically makes you a superior intellect. Ask any third grader.
Chapter 5mix in insults with direct or indirect homosexual innuendo but give yourself enough wiggle room so that you can act indignant if someone calls you on it.
Chapter 6mine the forum for past statements, quote them out of context, for a phony aha, gotcha moment.
Chapter 7. Never underestimate the use of exaggeration.
Chapter 8. Never use one sentence when thirty-five, why, hell, seventy-five, can be used.
Chapter 9. Theres no such thing as being obnoxious when you know you are right and the other side is dead wrong. The ends always justify the means.
Chapter 10. Work late at night typing missives while everyone else sleeps. Hopefully they can be read early enough in the day by others so that they wont fall asleep while reading the verbose drivel.
Chapter 11. If someone doesnt respond in kind or ignores you totally, accuse them of being devious and sneaky, instead of being civil and mature.
Chapter 12. Substitute anonymity for courage. It is far easier to demonize a man if you are anonymous and the things said arent face-to-face. Doubly so if the person you demonize isnt anonymous. Use the fact that you fear gun theft for not disclosing who you are after you mug someones character repeatedly.
Chapter 13. Never lose sight of the fact that the insult and demonization are far more important than the message sought to be advanced. Wrap your rudeness and behavior with the cloak of the 2nd Amendment. If this wasnt a gun forum, youd think of another cause to justify your conduct. Being a jerk requires no political affiliation or leaning. Remember, your attacks arent to convince, they are to demonize. You arent trying to change positions of folks with made-up minds and non-gun owner fence sitters wouldnt be here anyway.