Indeed it does almost always start off with quotes from King. Is it any wonder, when our Libtard equivalent of Tokyo Rose, or some other Propagandist, keeps repeating Liberal Lies in the hope that some of them will stick.

Just look at how many times now that King has gloated over canvasback's statement about losing his own son to the indoctrination of Liberals in Canadian schools. King has been practically orgasmic about that, and repeats it as if to say that the Libtards have won and resistance is futile. I will concede that they have made gains... but not to the overall betterment of our Nation. Liberalism made our country weaker and poorer, and King knows that. But knowing James, I seriously doubt that he has given up on his son and written him off as a loss to the Left. We can bet the kid is being taught all about guns, freedoms, liberty, and the importance of being vigilant and resisting the deceptive destructive path of modern day Liberalism. One day he will see through the indoctrination and be like his old man. That is the last thing Liberal Propagandists like King want.

So the lies are repeated ad nauseum. Dishonestly refuse to acknowledge November's shellacking, and move on to foment a phony racial crisis over some real live criminals who resisted arrest, or actually posed a threat to police and the public. Keep right on closing the coffin on the shooting sports, even though gun ownership is at an all time high, gun crime is way down, and NRA membership is up over 400% in the last 30 years. Keep on lying about misogyny and equality when Liberal Leftists are the worst offenders. Ignore black on black crime, and dredge up sins from 60 years ago. This is how liars like King roll. It is up to us to expose them and fight them every day.

The work is not easy, and it is not accomplished by merely going to vote every two years. If we lose, we only have ourselves to blame. But we are clearly not losing. The pendulum is beginning to swing the other way. Millions of Obama supporters realize they made a huge mistake. Liars like King will deny it and fight it. They are much more dangerous than brainless sheeple. like ed.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.