Originally Posted By: King Brown
....Misogyny? What's the last time any of the above took on that issue? It's not only sharia.

I snipped out a bunch of equivocating, but of course you summed it up at the end. No, I don't believe, nor can I find evidence, that the majority of the rest of the world treats women like islam and sharia does.

In the tiny corner of the world that is misfires, misogyny is regularly taken on by proactively stereotyping it as a fault of any right leaning person, right King. Why would you equivocate sharia brutality, including mercy killings, against Canadian women of middle eastern descent, with someone on the right saying twenty-something female contraceptives are enough.

It's clear that you do. Would you offer insight into how you can justify the tolerance of brutality against Canadian women because sharia has been given a pc pass from criticism by the left.

Can you give me one reason why your great grandkids can't beat their wive's into submission, and enjoy duck hunting. Other than your cultural lineage does not seem to be middle eastern. Wouldn't that make them proactively liberal, and select a shooting sport that uses innocuous guns against a rodent that happens to be feathered. No fair, you can't say they're allergic to duck, because we know it's not about putting food on the table. Why are you writing duck hunting off, and not the other.

By the way, doesn't the right regularly take on the issue. Aren't you able to equivocate the left and right, because the right has to soft peddle its position. You know, the war mongering, middle eastern phobe, racists.