Originally Posted By: King Brown
I can't speak for what's best for society in this respect, Craig. Killing for sport to eat isn't abhorrent to me. I don't hunt or fish low populations of species even if permitted by regulations. A retriever is a constant companion.

Younger generations won't buy it for reasons James has provided. As for liberal hegemony, it's entirely predictable. Cities have become refuges for hollowed-out countrysides. City interests are different; heritages have been lost.

What is this bullshit? Why are you answering questions that no one has asked? Is this one of your typical attempts to bury posts which effectively refute your lies, or have you suffered a stroke? Suggest you utilize that National Health Care before you suffer permanent brain damage. Time lost is brain lost.

Your retriever is named Jake, right? In fact, haven't all of your dogs had that same name... Jake? Why is that? Don't you see them as individuals worthy of their own identity? Are they just part of the collective unit? Or was is to be able to re-use the same personalized bowl? That's sick.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.