Originally Posted By: King Brown
"That equal opportunity for all people is a good goal.
That government should provide some level of education and healthcare to all people, even if some taxes have to be increased to achieve this goal
That richer people should pay more of their income in taxes than poor people
That liberties and freedoms are very important and should be protected.
Most liberals in the United States believe that peace is at least somewhat important, and that government should work together with other countries and not start as many wars on their own."

"Liberals in the United States are also sometimes called "Progressives". The biggest liberal political party in the United States is the Democratic Party. But the Green Party is seen to be more 'left', or liberal than the Democrats."

Doesn't King Browns lengthy post sound wonderful?

Too bad that it is almost complete hogwash and bullshit. Great points, craigd and James, on the venom filled hate and hypocrisy of present day Liberals. I'd like to dissect King's blatantly dishonest post and cherry-picked Google search definitions of Liberalism a bit more:

Referring to the nonsense which I quoted from King's post above, "That equal opportunity for all people is a good goal." Conservatives agree... but thanks to Libtards, equal opportunity means that there shall be gross inequalities such as Affirmative Action, and extra opportunities for lesser qualified students and workers, to punish mainly white people for sins they did not commit.

"That government should provide some level of education and healthcare to all people, even if some taxes have to be increased to achieve this goal" However, massively increased education spending has not had the desired or promised effect. In fact, it has had the opposite effect, yet Liberal Democrats protect the NEA and fight school choice even though alternatives to increasingly expensive public schools are proven to do a better job at less cost. King lied to us a couple days ago when he stated that black vs. white graduation rates were now virtually equal. 78% for whites vs. 47% for blacks is hardly equal unless you use dishonest Libtard math. And wealth redistribution disguised as national healthcare certainly is not equal or fair to those whose pockets are being picked to support or subsidize non-productive citizens.

"That richer people should pay more of their income in taxes than poor people" Wait a minute... doesn't this directly contradict the EQUAL OPPORTUNITY which Libtards like King feel is a "good goal"? There is nothing equal about penalizing certain people for being more productive. Can I force an unemployed Welfare person to cut my grass or repair my roof while I am working harder and having my earnings from my labor confiscated to feed and support them?

"That liberties and freedoms are very important and should be protected." This one is perhaps the most dishonest of all... especially coming from a gun control advocate like King. King Brown must be a gun control advocate because he supports and defends the most vehemently anti-gun politicians from the Liberal Left Democrat Party. Virtually all of the infringements on our Constitutional 2nd Amendment Rights come from the Liberal Democrat Left. It is the Liberal Left that wishes to limit 1st Amendment broadcast and print content of a Conservative bent. It is the Liberal Left that will expel a child for wearing an NRA tee-shirt to school. It is the Liberal Left that enacts laws to control what we eat and drink, and imposes "sin taxes" to punish those who wish to exercise liberties that they (the enlightened Liberals) don't like or approve of. It is the Liberal Left that used the IRS to target Conservatives. It is the Liberal Left that demonizes common-sense efforts to protect the integrity of free and fair elections and disenfranchise nobody.

"Most liberals in the United States believe that peace is at least somewhat important, and that government should work together with other countries and not start as many wars on their own." What a joke. Except it is not at all funny that the foreign policy blunders of the Liberal Leftists over the past 6 years have emboldened and strengthened the enemies of freedom and liberty, and made the world much more prone to future wars and attacks upon us. No Conservative wants or likes war. But someone will end up cleaning up the mess that Obama and Co. have made, and they will be branded as warmongers by those who screwed things up mightily.

"But the Green Party is seen to be more 'left', or liberal than the Democrats."

I really liked this little statement, because it takes us back to King Brown's oft repeated intentionally misleading statement about having never voted Liberal. Yet he admitted voting for Green Party candidates knowing full well that they are nothing but Leftist Liberals by another name... even further Left than Democrats according to his Google quote.

King frequently says, "A lie is saying something you know not to be true." Bingo! Thanks for shooting yourself in the foot and illustrating that your "craft of Journalism" is nothing more than lies and dishonest Weasel Words.

All Liberals or Libtards are not inherently evil. Many, like ed, are just stupid and do not have the capacity to realize that they have been victims of lies and propaganda. Others, like you King... the type who continually lie and invoke Scripture or Weasel Words to subvert the truth... in my opinion have hearts blacker than Satan.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.