Another good read from Sharyl Attkisson a real journalist,she call that the Substitution Game

Ex-CBS reporters book reveals how liberal media protects Obama

Sharyl Attkisson is an unreasonable woman. Important people have told her so.

When the longtime CBS reporter asked for details about reinforcements sent to the Benghazi compound during the Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack, White House national security spokesman Tommy Vietor replied, I give up, Sharyl . . . Ill work with more reasonable folks that follow up, I guess.

Another White House flack, Eric Schultz, didnt like being pressed for answers about the Fast and Furious scandal in which American agents directed guns into the arms of Mexican drug lords. Goddammit, Sharyl! he screamed at her. The Washington Post is reasonable, the LA Times is reasonable, The New York Times is reasonable. Youre the only one whos not reasonable!

Reporting on the many green-energy firms such as Solyndra that went belly-up after burning through hundreds of millions in Washington handouts, Attkisson ran into increasing difficulty getting her stories on the air. A colleague told her about the following exchange: [The stories] are pretty significant, said a news exec. Maybe we should be airing some of them on the Evening News?  Replied the programs chief Pat Shevlin, Whats the matter, dont you support green energy?

Says Attkisson: Thats like saying youre anti-medicine if you point out pharmaceutical company fraud.

A piece she did about how subsidies ended up at a Korean green-energy firm your tax dollars sent to Korea! at first had her bosses excited but then was kept off the air and buried on the CBS News Web site. Producer Laura Strickler told her Shevlin hated the whole thing.
Lets not pile on

Attkisson mischievously cites what she calls the Substitution Game: She likes to imagine how a story about todays administration would have been handled if it made Republicans look bad.

In green energy, for instance: Imagine a parallel scenario in which President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney personally appeared at groundbreakings for, and used billions of tax dollars to support, multiple giant corporate ventures whose investors were sometimes major campaign bundlers, only to have one (or two, or three) go bankrupt . . . when they knew in advance the companies credit ratings were junk.

Attkisson continued her dogged reporting through the launch of ObamaCare: Shes the reporter who brought the publics attention to the absurdly small number six who managed to sign up for it on day one.

Hillary For Prison 2018