Of course supporters of Obama and the Democrats now dismiss the WMD issue. It's part of the Denial, Dismissal, and Demonization statist doctrine. Hillary's "What does it matter?" quote is an excellent example. It enables the statist moral position that rationalizes pathological lying as being "Righteous and Good". Since there is no distinction between statist religion and politics, lying is not immoral, but justified.

The "Birther" concept is interesting, since so many incongruities have been uncovered about Obama. The lack of an actual Birth Certificate, as well as having a SSN that does not correspond to Hawaii should raise questions from everyone. As I understand it, a "Certificate of Live Birth" is not a "Birth Certificate".

Since I have some experience with the issue, having adopted two children from overseas, there are some obvious issues. I'm fairly certain that IF Obama was born overseas, his mother never completed the naturalization process that would have enabled him to receive a valid SSN. This required the filing of a N-600 naturalization document, resulting in the awarding of a Certificate of Citizenship which would then be used to receive a SSN. Since his mother was a US citizen, this would have been no problem. This would also explain why he was able to attend college as a foreign student. There are simply too many questions to be answered. The Democrats have only superficially scrubbed his past, leaving many obvious issues.

Here's a story illustrating what I'm talking about. I'm not saying that it's valid, but it should raise question with anyone who's intellectually objective.


Last edited by Ken61; 10/26/14 04:46 PM.

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