Let's see if I understand this:
Everyone but the commited Libtards here understands that chemical weapons as used against the Kurds in Iraq are WMDs. However; if the N Y Times didn't specifically use that term there not WMDs.
If someone who has converted to Islam is running around a business shouting Islamic phrases while beheading a fellow worker isn't labeled a terrorist because the idiot occupying the White House doesn't want to offend the "peaceful" Muslims it's NOT terrorism.
Does anyone with an iota of common sense wonder why I maintain that Libtards occupy a parallel universe? Adolf Hitler lived in his own parallel universe from about 1939 until the bitter end. Hopefully we won't suffer as dire consequences due to having our own nutjob in charge.
3 more weeks and hopefully the insanity of the last 6 years will begin to reverse!

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.