Originally Posted By: King Brown
....I don't mind if you spin a bit but don't see where the bad guys relate to the discoveries---unless you're referring to speculation that some of the stuff went to Syria. It probably did.

To me, this is an awkward thought.

Didn't this issue come up because of a news report that the radical islamic state took control of the chemical weapon dump. You know, these folks that are the ideal enemy.

bo's admin. has stripped all reference to islam out of any military action, conflict or any civil unrest, but everyone knows who the enemy is. If a reporter or two decides to strike all references to wmd's from their articles, then multiple thousands of artillery shells filled with chemicals known to be weapons of mass destruction are no longer wmd's. Why can't these things be loaded in trucks to be carted off in a clean up effort, then accidentally be diverted and blown up in a suicide terror attack.

Some kirby spokesman fellow says don't worry, these things are not usable. How dangerous would it be for a suicide bomber to load 'em up and set 'em off before he got too sick. Are these the same folks that're saying 'don't worry about our allies'. US trained and supplied syrian rebs won't veer off to tend to their own interests against asad. Our partners the turks spectate on the border while 'coalition kurds' are being slaughtered, and then attack kurds within turkey. Are these spokesfolks for the admin. ever going to give us a believable story.

I never mentioned syria, but are you pretty confident that non rusty chemical wmd's made there way to that country. Interesting, the 'facts' are either these things are old junk or accounted for in syria. No other possibilities?

If you believe the articles, and stand by the fact that they are not usable, are you confident that these materials are completely unusable for isis related work place violence. Because the article hints that these materials are hazardous and potential criminals have taken control of them, shouldn't we send the fbi in to at least investigate if a crime has been committed.