I would like to ask would it be possible for you colonists (though the word colonists is sort of anathema here because I was certainly under the impression that your colony left the room, after one of our king Georges governments committed one all mighty political faux pas over that product we British stole from those kind Chinese people while we were dealing drugs to them. But that is now water under the bridge I hope!) Would you indulge me a little more.
On this side of the pond “Tort” which is a law appertaining to civil wrongs and the catch all meaning of it is “you cannot plead ignorance of the law”. So if you adjust tamper or in any way fundamentally alter a firearm the law compels you to have it retested by the official body which is in our case “the proof house” failure to do this puts you in breach of our criminal law and Tort if you sold it on after you made the adjustments. Therefore you have no excuses when it comes to whatever action is taken against you be it criminal civil or both because you cannot plea ignorance of the Law.
Now if there are no Statutes appertaining to “Gun Proofing” on your side of the pond and a person tampers with a gun to such an extent that it is positively dangerous how can you take legal action against such a person because you would now have to prove that he intentionally made the firearm unsafe. To counteract your argument he could say that I did not know his actions would cause such a reaction because he does not have many engineering skills. This is a lawyer’s version of heaven or as close to one on earth as it is possible to be or is this subject of Her Majesty QE2 perceiving it totally wrong.

The only lessons in my life I truly did learn from where the ones I paid for!