IMHO the Basques have decided to remain in Spain; the years of terrorism and the bit of autonomy they have gotten changed their views. The Catalans I would call a 50/50 deal right now, although the loss of the Scottish Independence vote I think has poked a small hole in the Catalan separatists' balloon.
The Spanish Officer's oath requires him to fight to insure the Spanish State is both undivided and free. If the Catalans actually try to secede there will be hell to pay in Spain. IMHO
Dunno how that impacts shotgun prices, but that is how I see it today.

Originally Posted By: Kyrie
Oh, yes. In the currency wars the dollar has so far been a clear loser. Which makes Euro priced Spanish shotguns dollar cheaper and, I suppose, demonstrates the old saying, "every curse contains a blessing."

Let's watch what happens in the Nov. 9 Catalonia independence referendum. If Catalonia does try to exit Spain the fox will well and truly be in among the chickens. God knows what the Basques would do.